September 06, 2010

A Rocket To The Moon - Baby Blue Eyes

My eyes are no good, blind without her
The way she moves I'd never doubt her
When she talks she somehow creeps into my dreams
She's a doll, a catch, a winner
I'm in love
And no beginner could ever grasp or understand
Just what she means

Baby, baby blue eyes

Stay with me by my side
'Till the morning
Through the night
Oh baby, stand here holding my sides
Close your baby blue eyes
Every moment feels right
And I may feel like a fool
But I'm the only one dancing with you

Oh ooo , Oh ooo , Oh ooo , Oo Oo

I drive her home when she can't stand

I'd like to think I'm a better man
For not letting her do what she's been known to do
She wears heels and she always falls
I let her think she's a know it all
But whatever she does wrong, it seems so right
My eyes don't believe her
But my heart swears by her

Baby, baby blue eyes

Stay with me by my side
Till the morning
Through the night
(Can't get you out of my mind)
Oh baby, stand here holding my sides
Close your baby blue eyes
Every moment feels right
And I may feel like a fool
But I'm the only one dancing with you

Oh ooo , Oh ooo , Oh ooo , Oo Oo

(Can't get you out of my mind)

I swear I've been there

I swear I've done that
I'll do whatever it takes
Just to see those

Baby, baby blue eyes

Stay with me by my side
Till the morning
Through the night
(Can't get you out of my mind)
Oh baby, stand here holding my sides
Close your baby blue eyes
Every moment feels right
And I may feel like a fool
But I'm the only one dancing with those

Baby, baby blue eyes

Stay with me by my side
Till the morning
Through the night
(Can't get you out of my mind)
Oh baby, stand here holding my sides
Closing your eyes
Every moment feels right

My eyes are no good, blind without her

The way she moves I'd never doubt her
When she talks she some how creeps into my dreams


halo ! :D
sekian lama saya tak mengepost , akhirnya ngepost juga .
karena hari ini ada kejadian menarik maka terpost lagu ini .
oke , mungkin lagunya gak pas sama kejadiannya .
tapi kalo disambung-sambungin , nyambung-nyambung aja *penyakit mekso kumat*

nemu lagunya pas iseng-iseng googling , wohooo dan hasilnya enaaaaaak :D
seperti biasa lirik lagu yang saya posting kebanyakan bertemakan akustik .
dan liriknya rada gombal , HAHA babah , gombal itu asik :p
tapi ini gombalnya cowok ke cewek , versi ceweknya belom ada yang buat *ngarep*
pada intinya lagu ini enaaaaaaaaaaaak :*

Agustus 12, 2010

MOCCA - me and my boyfriend lyrics

I've got a boyfriend now
He's my dearest pal
He'll always catch me when I fall
He's always there when I call

I've got a boyfriend now

He always talks so loud
Even in a crowded house
He always shows what he got

I share my dreams and all my stories

I don't think I need my diary
If you're teasing me, don't you worry?
I will keep you in my memories

When my boyfriend smiles

The world seems all mine
And all the days seems truly fine
Make me reach up for the sky

Me & my boyfriend now

We're moving so slow
If you really want to know
Come on and join the show!

I share my dreams and all my stories

I don't think I need my diary
If you're teasing me, don't you worry?
I will keep you in my memories

When I'm blue. feel so lonely

No one sits here right beside me
I'm gonna call you just to hurry
Come and see me
It's so scary and I need you desperately

I share my dreams and all my stories

I don't think I need my diary
If you're teasing me, don't you worry?
I will keep you in my memories

I share my dreams and all my stories

I don't think I need my diary
If you're teasing me, don't you worry?
I will keep you in my memories

lagi-lagi ngetik lagu akustikan lagi, hehe .
enak sih lagunya, liriknya lucu, nyenengin pokoknya lagunya :D
*italic words : my hopes :)*

click here to download mocca-me and my boyfriend

Agustus 05, 2010

eeeeeeh , ganti !

mungkin sebagian dari anda bertanya 'apa yang ganti?'
ganti baju ?
ganti nomer hape ?
atau ganti muka ? pengennya sih, biar mukaku nggak dibilang muka lele lagi =='

'ganti' yang aku maksudkan adalah ganti kelas !
postingan sebelumnya aku nulis 'sembilan satu' , ternyata kelasku digeser jadi 'sembilan dua'
soalnya , kelas 9 ini kelasnya diurutin pake nomer induk.
karena anak-anak kelas ' sembilan sembilan' yang dulunya 8SSN+ (baca : 8 es-es-en plus) nomer induknya duluan , otomatis kelasku kegeser.
99 jadi 91 , 91 jadi 92 , 93 jadi 94 , 95 jadi 96 , 97 jadi 98 , 98 jadi 99 .

lucunya , waktu ganti kelas ke 92 anak-anak kelasku (aku juga) pada ' nggondol ' barang-barang yang ada di kelas 91 .
seolah-olah mereka berkata pada anak-anak (mantan) SSN yang ada disitu ' ini punyakuuuu , wek ! '
dan anak-anak (mantan) SSN itu hanya terpaku melihatnya.

oke , sekian dulu :)
presentasi fisikaku belum selesai , aaaaa ==a

#nite :*

Juli 15, 2010

sembilan satu 2010 / 2011

aloha :)

hei hei , aku udah resmi jadi kelas 9 :D
aha aha ~
resmi jadi senior juga d:
kelas 7 : junior
kelas 8 : masih semi senior
kelas 9 : senior
aseeeek :9

menyambut tahun ajaran baru , semua hal jadi serba baru
kelas baru, seragam baru, guru baru, wali kelas baru, tas baru, teman baru ? ?
teman baru ? kalo urusan yang ini nggak termasuk kategori ' baru '
karena pada kenyataannya, kelas 9 penghuninya kayak kelas 7 lagi
dan beberapa spesies di kelas ada yang nggak suka kalo harus kayak kelas 7 lagi
di jalani aja , ntar juga terbiasa kan ?
seperti kata pepatah, tresno jalaran saka kulino :D
gapapa wes rek , mungkin dengan begitu bisa cepet kompak *amiiiin

beberapa kejutan awal masuk kelas sembilan satu :
> temen-temenku yang cowok pada MENINGGI *betapa kampretnya kalian
> wali kelas : bu berinisial L dan itu guru tatib *bagus, 2 tahun berturut-turut wali kelasnya guru tatib, asik asik (?)
> dapet wakil ketua kelas yang super bosok yang punya misi membosokkan kelasnya biar jadi TAPE, tidak lain tidak bukan adalah diriku sendiri :|

itu beberapa kejutan yang aku alami dalam rentan waktu 1 hari saja
hey, kelas sembilan satu ! aku menunggu kejutan-kejutan yang lain :)

let's make a lot of memories together..


Juli 10, 2010

Hukum Alam

Sebanyak-banyaknya orang yang menyayangimu, selalu ada seseorang yang membenci kamu.
Sebanyak-banyaknya orang yang membencimu, selalu ada seseorang yang mencintai kamu
Sukarno -
he's a super teacher for me :)